Cleric level 5 spells

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Spell name Spell School V S M AF DF XP Rulebook name Edition
Chaav's Laugh Enchantment yes no no no no no Book of Exalted Deeds Supplementals (3.5)
Charnel Fire Necromancy yes yes no no no no Book of Vile Darkness Supplementals (3.0)
Choking Sands Necromancy yes yes yes no no no Sandstorm Supplementals (3.5)
Chromatic Ray Evocation yes yes no no no no Dragons of Faerun Forgotten Realms (3.5)
Command, Greater Enchantment no no no no no no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Commune Divination yes yes yes no yes yes Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Commune With Earth Divination no no no no no no Races of Faerun Forgotten Realms (3.0)
Condemnation Abjuration yes no no no no no Player's Handbook II Supplementals (3.5)
Conjure Ice Beast V Conjuration no no no no no no Frostburn Supplementals (3.5)
Contagion, Mass Necromancy no no no no no no Races of Faerun Forgotten Realms (3.0)
Contagion, Mass Necromancy yes yes no no no no Spell Compendium Supplementals (3.5)
Convert Wand Transmutation yes yes no no no no Book of Exalted Deeds Supplementals (3.5)
Convert Wand Transmutation yes yes no no no no Champions of Valor Forgotten Realms (3.5)
Crawling Darkness Conjuration yes yes no no yes no Magic of Faerun Forgotten Realms (3.0)
Crawling Darkness Conjuration yes yes no no yes no Savage Species Supplementals (3.0)
Crawling Darkness Conjuration yes yes no no yes no Spell Compendium Supplementals (3.5)
Crown of Courage Enchantment yes yes no yes no no The Forge of War Eberron (3.5)
Crown of Flame Evocation yes no no no no no Book of Exalted Deeds Supplementals (3.5)
Cure Light Wounds, Mass Conjuration yes yes no no no no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Curse of Ill Fortune, Mass Necromancy yes yes no no yes no Spell Compendium Supplementals (3.5)

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