Druid level 2 spells

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Spell name Spell School V S M AF DF XP Rulebook name Edition
Easy Trail Abjuration yes yes no no no no Shining South Forgotten Realms (3.5)
Easy Trail Abjuration yes yes no no no no Spell Compendium Supplementals (3.5)
Embrace the Wild Transmutation yes no no no no no Complete Adventurer Supplementals (3.5)
Embrace the Wild Transmutation yes no no no no no Spell Compendium Supplementals (3.5)
Estanna's Stew Conjuration yes yes no yes no no Book of Exalted Deeds Supplementals (3.5)
Evergreen Transmutation yes yes no no yes no Frostburn Supplementals (3.5)
Filter Abjuration yes yes yes no yes no Tome and Blood: A Guidebook to Wizards and Sorcerers Supplementals (3.0)
Fins to Feet Transmutation yes yes no no no no Stormwrack Supplementals (3.5)
Fins to feet Transmutation yes yes no no no no Spell Compendium Supplementals (3.5)
Fire Trap Abjuration yes yes yes no no no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Flame Blade Evocation yes yes no no yes no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Flaming Sphere Evocation yes yes yes no yes no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Flash-freeze Transmutation yes yes no no yes no Frostburn Supplementals (3.5)
Fog Cloud Conjuration yes yes no no no no Player's Handbook v.3.5 Core (3.5)
Freedom of Breath Abjuration yes yes yes no no no Sandstorm Supplementals (3.5)
Frost Breath Evocation yes yes yes no no no Spell Compendium Supplementals (3.5)
Frost Weapon Transmutation yes yes yes no no no Frostburn Supplementals (3.5)
Gaze Screen Abjuration yes yes no no no no Dragons of Faerun Forgotten Realms (3.5)
Gaze Screen Abjuration yes yes no no no no Tome and Blood: A Guidebook to Wizards and Sorcerers Supplementals (3.0)
Ghost Companion Necromancy yes yes no no no no Ghostwalk Supplementals (3.0)

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