Warning: This is 3.0 Edition material. It is possible that there is more recent 3.5 Edition version.

Ruby Disciple

(Web 3.0 variant, p. None)

Even though Sardior's clergy tend to be welcomed everywhere much as bards are, they know not everyone is as friendly as they seem. A small group of his clergy trains to be a martial arm of the church, serving not only as a defense but also as a show of force so that they can keep potential thieves away.

This group is known as the ruby disciples. They seek the power of Sardior, the ruby dragon, to enhance their combat capabilities. Both cleric and psions enter the service of the dragon, and while their training is similar, they have marked differences in their abilities. A character possessing both cleric and psionic levels must choose to be a divine ruby disciple or a psionic ruby disciple.

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