Bracers of Armor +2
Magic Item
(Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5, p. 250)
Price: 4,000 gp
Item Level: 8th
Body Slot: Arms
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Moderate; Conjuration
Activation: —
Weight: 1.0 lb.
These items appear to be wrist or arm guards.
They surround the wearer with an invisible but tangible field of force, granting him an armor bonus of +2 just as though he were wearing armor. Both bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item , Mage Armor creator’s caster level must be min 2x bracer bonus.
Cost to Create: 2,000 gp, 160 XP, 4 day(s).